About Me

Contact e-mail: jo11234@hotmail.com

JoanneConnors-Wade is a native of Massachusetts. She enjoys a challenge and beomes engrossed in extensive research which she believes is the key to credibility within a story whether fiction or non-fiction. Joanne is the mother of three adult children, and the grandmother of four. On November 1, 2007 she moved from her native Massachusetts to Florida where continues to write and promote her books.
UPDATE: December, 2011 she returned to Massachusetts and presently resides in Westfield.

Awards/Certificates Florida Certified Guardian ad Litem, Writer's Digest International Self-Published Book Awards, Member of Cambridge Who's Who Registry
Achievements Graduate of Westfield High School class of 1961, Associate Degree-Education at Westfield State College, Instructor and tutor ESL classes at International Language Institute/Northampton, MA
Guest Speaker: Libraries, Colleges, Rotary/Exchange Clubs, Women's Clubs, Community Organizations
Volunteer work: Public schools, re-hab facilities, Nominee for Tutor of the year/Massachusetts
Author three published books

Other Publications

A short story about Abe Lincoln's Assasination
Submitted by Joanne Connors-Wade           February 22, 2011
Published in the Florida Weekly

Living the Dream
Submitted by Joanne Connors-Wade A short story submitted in a Short Story Contest (not to exceed 2800 words)
June 2011 Published Florida Weekly News

Let's Look Beyond sexual orientation

Submitted by Joanne Connors-Wade

Published NewsPress Sunday, December 3, 2009

The controversy regarding gay/lesbian marriages or gay/lesbian lifestyles has now led to adoption by same sex couples. First of all, we should be aware of the circumstances which led to these children put up for adoption.
Would their lives be improved if they were adopted by a loving heterosexual couple? Perhaps so. Would their life be improved if they were adopted by a gay couple? Why not?
Consider the devotion, loving and caring same sex couples share. Consider the high percentage of well educated, degreed and gainfully employed among the gay population.
Look beyond their sexuality.
For those who are holding on to the notion that children raised by gay couples will somehow become gay, consider this; gay adults are the product of heterosexual parents. Obviously, they were not ‘influenced’ by their parent’s lifestyle. Why would a child raised by a gay couple tend to be a gay adult? It’s pure nonsense. The important aspects of raising a child adopted or otherwise are to instill values and morals they will carry throughout their lives.
It’s time we took ‘sex’ out of the mix (I suspect that is the concern when referred to ‘unnatural’, and focus on the other twenty-three hours in a day. Two adults whether same sex or man and woman, far outweigh a struggling single parent and by far outweigh a child’s grim prospect of remaining a ward of the state to be shuffled from one foster home to another.

Final Exit

Submitted by Joanne Connors-Wade February 27, 2009

Have people lost their senses? Advocating murder. Legalizing assisted suicide is ludicrous! Oregon and Washington State have legalized this practice. I have empathy for those who suffer agonizing pain and suffering and recognize they would welcome death, but the law is clear, murder is a capital crime and assisted suicide is murder. The Final Exit Network does not require their ‘clients’ be terminally ill, only that they desire death. Example: one woman was severely depressed and qualified for this service, the cost being $50.00 plus the specified equipment needed. The client is instructed to purchase two tanks of helium and a plastic cap similar to a shower cap (helium is used because it cannot be detected at autopsy.) The other requirement is the procedure be performed in the ‘client’s’ home.
This can not be legalized. Think of the possibilities that would inevitably evolve. Elderly people would become prime targets when caring for them became an ‘inconvenient’ burden to families and finances were inadequate. Mental/physical handicapped children’s lives would be in jeopardy; the possibilities of legalizing murder are endless.
Those who prefer death over the agonizing pain and suffering of a diagnosed terminal illness do not require assistance to end their life. They do not need to hire their killer. The matter of assisted suicide should not even be considered let alone tolerated by law.

Street name 'iffy'

Submitted by: Joanne Connors-Wade

Published News Press Saturday, May 24, 2009

I would like to comment on the ceremony which took place this weekend renaming "Graham Ave" to "Ernest Graham Ave".
I have never met this young man but by all accounts I've heard he is fine young man and the pride to his community as well as the sport's venue with a promising future. My opinion is not directed to Ernest Graham personally. I believe the decision and honor of naming a street after anyone should be a posthumous tribute.
Peck St. was renamed to pay tribute to Andrew Widman, a young Ft. Myers police officer killed in the line of duty. I thought that most appropriate and a fine memorial for Officer Widman's family. Things have a way of 'just happening' in the future.
An example, O.J. Simpson was an admired celebrity and household name nationwide. Who could have known what disaster would lie ahead and destroy the reputation he once enjoyed? Would you be comfortable today with a street named "O.J. Simpson's Way?"
I'm not suggesting Mr. Graham will become anything less than what he is today, but I believe naming streets, parks or buildings as a tribute to the living can be potentially regrettable.

Don't Deny History
Submitted by: Joanne Connors-Wade
Published January 28, 2011
Recently, the derogatory "N" word has raised its ugly head. This time referring to Samuel Clemens' a.k.a. Mark Twain's classic tales of "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." To delete the "N" word would be inappropriate, but substituting the word "slave" would be equally inappropriate.
The "N" word and slave are not interchangeable.
Censorship is a serious matter and should be carefully considered as a violation of constitutional rights, freedom of the press and speech.
Whether one is pro or con, we must consider the ripple affect and how far will censorship take us?
At the time of Clemens' writing the "N" word was acceptable and appropriate. I would suggest, rather than condemning the contents of these classic novels, we would look upon them in a positive manner.
These books are an excellent demonstration to the younger generation of how our culture has changed. Many of the younger children have never heard the 'n' word and cannot appreciate how degrading and demeaning it once was toward people of color.
Let the young generation understand the reforms that have evolved within our culture. By condemnation of the "N" word and regarding it as socially unacceptable, we have demonstrated our ability to improve civil behavior and respect toward fellow citizens.
Both young and old should be aware of what was then and what is now. Leave Samuel Clemens' classics as they were masterfully written.
Don't deny history

Black and White

Submitted by Joanne Connors-Wade
Published in the NewsPress November 21, 2009

In the fifties, a person of color was called Negro which is defined as a human being having distinctive physical characteristics, such as, brown to black skin pigmentation. Caucasian is defined as a human being having distinctive physical characteristics, such as, fair to tan skin pigmentation.
At some point, Negro became offensive and changed to ‘colored’ then changed to ‘black’ then focusing on being politically correct ‘African-American’. African-American may be ‘politically correct’, but not accurate by definition.
If a Caucasian became a citizen of the U.S and his country of origin (nationality) would be So. Africa, he would truly be a Caucasian, African-American, or an American of African decent.
I think it’s time we learned the difference between country of origin (nationality) and race.
To those who have the predisposition or notion that I am a racist or bigot please read the following.
T.V. Commercial: “A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Please support the United Negro College Fund.”
A very active organization familiar to all: NAACP. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Caucasian has never been offensive to me, why would Negro be offensive to Negros?
Right to Choose
Submitted by: Joanne Connors-Wade
Published in the NewsPress November 25, 2008

Abortion is really not the issue.
The true issue is how long are we, going to allow ‘Big Brother’ to make personal/moral decisions for us?
Each individual has their own beliefs and to allow anyone to impose their beliefs on anyone besides themselves should not be tolerated. Whether for or against abortion, I believe abortion, given stringent guidelines, should be legal in every state and every individual should have the right to choose according to their personal situations coupled with their moral/religious beliefs.
Most ‘pro-life’ advocates agree to make one concession. They believe that if a child is conceived as a result of rape or incest, then abortion becomes an option. Does that mean that baby is less important? Sounds like selective abortion somewhere in the mix.
If abortion becomes illegal, the back street butchers will surely benefit. Let us all have the right to privacy and take personal responsibility for our decisions.

RFK Prophecy fullfilled
Click on the title above and watch the actual video!
Submitted by: Joanne Connors-Wade
Published in News Press November 6, 2008
Could the outcome have been predicted?
Yes and it was!
On March 17, 1968 Democratic nominee Robert F. Kennedy appeared on the Sunday morning news show Meet the Press. Here is what RFK said only 2 ½ months before his tragic death.
Things are "moving so fast in race relations, a Negro* could be president in 40 years. There's no question about it," RFK added.
"In the next 40 years a Negro can achieve the same position that my brother had....we have tried to make progress and we are making progress ...we are not going to accept the status quo."
*Negro was a perfectly acceptable term for African-American back then; in fact it was the formal respectful word, a neutral word which black Americans preferred)

Obit - Final Chapter

Submitted by Joanne Connors-Wade
Published in News Press December, 2008
Traditionally, an obituary is likening to an abbreviated biography. It mentions surviving relatives and a capsulated overview of the decedent’s affiliations, hobbies and community involvement.
On Wednesday, December 3, the NewsPress ran an obituary that I found tasteless, poor judgment and disrespect for the family. The deceased person’s name appeared in bold print and directly below the name, also in bold print, ‘crooked congressman’.
This person was never a resident of Florida, however gained notoriety because of his involvement in the 1979 ABSCAM sting.
The obituary was quite lengthy (8 inches of column space) one sentence of the eight inches stated, “died on Monday of lung cancer at his home in Philadelphia”. The remaining 7 ½ inches read like an FBI criminal report, a detailed account of the sting operation, his conviction and time served in prison. The final paragraph named the other seven convicted, no surviving family members were mentioned.
If this information was considered newsworthy, it should have been published as a news article, certainly not an obituary.
I’ve written my own obit. It is stored in a file on my computer and as life events change; I edit and update it. It will take the burden off loved ones and I’m confident they’ll get it right!

Accomplice to Homicide?
Submitted by Joanne Connors-Wade
Published in the NewsPress, December, 2008
Did you know, as a resident of Florida or any other state that upholds the death penalty that you are involved in homicide?
When a prisoner is sentenced to death and is executed a death certificate is issued. The certificate provides ‘Cause of Death’ and ‘Manner of Death’.
That said, the ‘cause of death’ is whatever means it took to cause the death, i.e. electrocution, drug induced injection, gas, anyone of these methods.
The death certificate also provides ‘manner of death’ which is ‘homicide’. Are the individuals who were present and performed the execution and, as taxpayers, are we contributors to homicide?
Marriage vs Civil Contract
Submitted by Joanne Connors-Wade
published in the NewsPress, December 3, 2008
I am opposed to ‘same sex marriage’ however; I am not opposed to the lifestyle of gay couples. I believe a gay couple should be allowed a license to enter into a civil contract. A contract of commitment would allow gay couples the same benefits of a married couple, i.e. group health insurance. Group insurance through an employer, would offer the family plan and coverage for the partner.
If the relationship fails, just as many ‘marriages’ fail, the contract would be subject to legal or civil action. Instead of divorce proceedings, it would be a breach of contract and resolved in that manner.
In Massachusetts, gay couples have more benefits than unmarried heterosexual couples. (Same sex marriage is legal in Massachusetts)
The state allows gay couples, married or unmarried to be eligible for all insurance benefits. If gay couples are cohabitating and unmarried, the only difference when it comes to group insurance is the tax. If they are cohabitating but not married, payroll taxes are deducted from their net income. If married, the payroll tax is deducted from gross income. Unmarried heterosexual couples do not have this benefit.
If the insurance and state guidelines were revisited, and the word ‘marriage’ was omitted, the issue could be an easier pill to swallow.

4 Quarts = 1 Gallon (but not gasoline)
Submitted by Joanne Connors-Wade
Published in the News-Press December 8, 2008
Fractional cent pricing makes it impossible to purchase a gallon of gas at the advertised price. This is totally unique in commerce.
Through extensive research, here’s a condensed version of what I found.
Sometime in the late 30’s or early 40’s the dispenser computers were installed replacing the old pumps at the gas stations. From that time on, the fractional cent pricing began and there is no record of it ever being discontinued. Whole cents are as easily programmable into the dispenser computers as fractional cents are. So why aren’t they?
The factors are a bit complicated, but comprehensible. The fractional cent pricing theory is based on the mean temperature at time of delivery, the effect of residual volume from previous purchase, to permissible error in dispenser accuracy. Way too much information. What is not complicated is the example using the state of Arizona. (Temp. is comparable to FL)
Assuming a mean tank temperature at time of delivery was 82º F. Because of the factors I previously mentioned, of the 2,713,680,000 gallons of gasoline purchased by Arizona motorists in one year, 35,277,840 gallons of gasoline was sold, but not paid for, by the various service stations throughout the state.(that 9/10 cent ads up) At $2.759/10/gal., the motorist’s subsidized gift to the sellers amounts to $97,331,561 for the year. The unchanging 9/10 pricing is a blatant, deceptive marketing ploy which has been successful for seventy years!
Some of the content of this article is directly quoted from my research. We should be contacting legislature and ban fractional cent pricing throughout the state. 9/10 gasoline pricing makes no sense. Automatic temperature compensation at the pump does make sense.
If we purchase a gallon, we should receive a gallon! Very simple.
On your next visit, observe the information provided on the gasoline dispenser display

Assisted Suicide?
Submitted by Joanne Connors-Wade October, 2009 News Press
One needs to take a closer look at this...Imagine how this practice could affect the elderly, the mentally and/or physically challenged? Legalizing murder is a more appropriate title.

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